Wednesday, July 21, 2010

great summer days...

After Jack's first swim class at the Y (which was FUN and a complete success for the little fishy) and he was down for a nap, I made a list of things I want to do/accomplish in the next few weeks. It's a long list, which is slightly overwhelming, but it felt good to anchor down some thoughts of things I want to do on a piece of paper. I physically feel more relaxed and less anxious when I make a list. Anyone else love lists like I do?

High up on my diverse list, which ranges from birthday party planning for Jack to getting to know Adobe Illustrator better, was to make some dill pickles. I have been wanting to do this for SO LONG and while perusing the August issue of Real Simple (one of my fave mags), I saw a REAL SIMPLE (ha!) recipe for dill pickles! MMMMMM!!!

Dan, Jack and I spent a couple hours this afternoon walking around the many antique shops of Kalamazoo, which is definitely one of my favorite past times. I found some fabric which I think I am going to make some kitchen curtains that cover up the lower portion of the windows.


Cute, right?

THEN, I spent some time tonight in the Vine Neighborhood Garden. SUCH AN AMAZING THING! Love at first sight! It's free for our community and one of many neighborhood gardens in Kalamazoo. You put in time planting, weeding and loving on the garden and you get healthy, fresh, pesticide-free yummies! I spent a chunk of time weeding tonight and came home with some goodies I harvested in the process. Of all the things ready to be harvested, I was SO EXCITED that there were cucumbers! I CAN MAKE MY PICKLES! Woo hoo!


Walking home, we live just a few blocks away from the garden, I was so completely happy! Enjoying the breeze of a summer evening, friendly neighbors, reflecting on a great day, loving life back in Kalamazoo, planning birthday fun for Dan (TOMORROW HE IS 33!) and Jack...I walked in the door and Dan had cleaned and rearranged the kitchen so I have counter space and the mess from the day was GONE!



Mickey said...

I LOVE TO DO LISTS!!! They rule! Pickles rule too! My boyfriend makes pickles I'll have to send you some soon! They be yummy! Let us know how your turned out!

KimGold said...

I cannot live without lists!!!!
So glad to see that you are settling in nicely!

Amber said...

Yep, lists are where it's at. I don't enjoy making the lists though as much as I enjoy crossing things I've accomplished off the lists. That is my absolute favorite thing.

It's good to hear how happy you are now that you've moved back. I'm almost done moving to my new place in Oakland. I love my new neighborhood. It's almost suburban feeling and people have yards, not everyone but a lot and the streets are quiet and it's warmer than San Francisco!


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