Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas in the West

I definitely found myself in a pre-holiday funk for the few weeks leading up to Christmas. I have always loved being with my family during Christmas. We have a routine involving movies, card games, drinking, the meal staples, etc. The simple fact that I would not be with my family, helping decorate, exchanging thoughtful gifts, and watching "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" for the 1,343,500 time with everyone, really made me seasonally depressed.

So, I spent hours baking/decorating sugar cookies and resolved to fill our little apartment with friends for a Christmas Eve dinner. I have never spent an entire afternoon baking, and for a first I think it was delicious. Homemade egg nog, ravioli, broccoli casserole, mashed potatoes, etc. I am patting myself on the back. And Christmas day was spent with friends on mopeds, eating more good food, and going to the theatre. FINALLY having my moped running is already amazing! I had so much fun! Not having a moped for months, I quickly forgot why I love them!

I am feeling more at home every day. It's about time. Hopefully the feeling of being on a really long vacation stops soon!

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