Thursday, March 20, 2008


So I ended my school day playing a game of charades with my EL (English Language Learners). In California all teachers must be certified to teach EL students. I am currently taking the class, which is 60 hours outside of school. While I initially complained to whoever would listen that I have to spend several week nights and Saturdays driving nearly an hour to where I have to take the class, I have learned so much! Today's game of charades, and no work, was a prize for how wonderful they all did on the test I gave them yesterday. The class I am taking is definitely helping me with strategies to be a better teacher, which is pretty exciting for both me, and inevitably, the students too! The theme of our charades game was "movies" and it was the most entertaining thing I have ever done while teaching chemistry. One student from Brazil had "Titanic" and he acted out the whole movie. I was dying! Other great turns were "Mean Girls", "Stomp the Yard" and "Spider Man."

And so, it's SPRING BREAK! I need this break! After being sick and the end of a quarter (so much grading!) it will be nice to relax! Erin Louise is visiting and I have SO MANY amazing things planned! Aquariums, movies, botanical gardens, museums, shopping, will be a great week!



Nikkita said...

Aww yay! I'm so glad you and erin get to see each other!

Alison said...

that is so creepy!
my 8th bell ended the pre-spring break week with charades too! AND GUESS WHAT THE THEME WAS. creeeeepy, man.
enjoy your spring break! i'm going to philly to see amanda! david and i might go to richmond to check out the rally, too.


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