Monday, October 08, 2007

a place to eat, and there are pumpkins in California

our diningroom table
Originally uploaded by Ely Han

We have a dining room table, after three trips to Oakland in one day! Our couch should be here within the week! It really feels like home! I like the comfort of routines that a completely furnished apartment offers. Dinner at the table. Washing dishes afterwards. Afternoon naps on the couch. It seems to ground me in the chaos that things are right now. A pleasant chaos of planning a wedding from afar, teaching a new subject, and reorganizing the details of our lives. As stressful as it seems to be sometimes, I wouldn't have it any other way. I stumble on little things that make me extremely happy. Our bank is open on Sunday. I found that out and was smiling all day.

I got a little homesick today thinking about cider mills and crisp fall air. I got lost in thoughts of walking through downtown through art hops, feeling slightly tipsy after several cups of wine. October routines of Gene's Pumpkin Patch and his wife's wonderful pumpkin recipe book. I made the pumpkin bread last year. It was delicious. I'll miss the neighbor boys coming by our house a handful of times on Halloween. I started thinking about how Halloween works in a city. There are many doors to knock on here, which may be slightly overwhelming for children to tackle. The thought made me tired, so I took a nap.

There's so much to say.

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